Welcome to the Explore Minnesota Golf Alliance
Your resource for the Must Play golf courses in the “State of Golf.”
Explore this site for your ‘bucket list’ of the premier courses and resorts in the land of 10,000 water hazards! Be sure to visit the “Golf in MN” information page and download the Explore Minnesota Golf Guide. This is your invitation to visit and golf in the “State of Golf”– Minnesota.

Minnesota Golf News
14Jul 23
Great Minnesota Golf Courses for Kids and Beginners
Updated July 2023 Some of the keys to golfing with children and beginners who are new to the game is making golf fun and finding novice-friendly courses that are enjoyable…
28Jun 23
Golf Some of The Best Family Resorts in Minnesota
Updated June 2023 For some avid golfers, the term “family golf vacation” might strike fear into their hearts because of everything involved in keeping an entire family happy on a…
06Jun 23
High Handicap? 5 Great Golf Courses for Beginners
Updated June 2023 Golf’s handicap system is the great equalizer in the game, but when it comes to someone just starting out, there are other conditions to meet. We should…